Thursday, March 17, 2011

Craig and Cheryl


Couple pictures!
So cute... I told Cheryl her pictures were posted and she responded with:
Oh. really? Oh. Okay. Well... thanks
Like I had just posted horrible terrible things of
Much to her relief, and mine I guess too, she LOVED these
They look so cute! :)

Teagan and Kieran

ha ha ha...hysterical!

Lacey and Craig family

So all this started with just wanting to take L and C's family pictures
And in the process, we took Cheryl and Craig's pictures
And Peyton's 3 month pictures
And pictures of the kids
And even pictures of my girls, and other grandkids also
AND I ended up taking another group here also because I liked it so much
Thanks Lacey for initiating all this
It turned out great!

Baby Peyton: 3 months

LOVE this picture... so funny...

Look at those rolls! Ha! so cute!

Baby Jamila

Awh, times goes so fast
I took Baby Jamila's newborn pictures
And now she's 6 months old already!
I got this trunk at a yard sale just that morning...